Thursday, August 27, 2015


So I decided to be more frugal, appreciate what I have, not coveting what my friends or neighbors have. Its difficult! People my age are starting over with building new homes, remodeling their old houses. They got things in their homes I can't even fathom owning. One gal I know has 2 stoves, yes, 2. If she has family and friends over she can cook more! How much fun is that! Here I am, empty nester, well sort of (more on that later) and can just pop a frozen entree in the toaster oven, maybe go out to eat. And this gal delibertly ask people over and cooks huge amounts of food for everyone, has all these great dishes, and uses a lot of dishes too...on PURPOSE! Sorry, not fun to me. I've been there, I had dinner on the table every night for 19 years, done, no more. You want it, you fix it, or take me out to eat. So does she have 2 dishwashers? NOPE.  Got to wash those big pans in that fancy apron sink. Or maybe thats what that bar sink is for? Tiny dishes?

So I am thinking, do I really want this gal over at my house? Show her my 1970's kitchen with the old stainless steal sink that I can't wash a 9 X 11 inch pan in flat? Or my old counter tops, formica! One stove, one sink, no dishwasher...well that's me (dish washer) technically. But then maybe she'd like to come over, see how simple it is. I actually sit down at night, sometimes 3 to 4 hours before I go to bed! Yes, sit. Not cleaning the kitchen.

No, I want the simple life now, I did the big house, twice- I did this on purpose. My home is small, cozy, perfect for a few to sit and talk, maybe share a glass of wine, cup of coffee...they make nice disposable cups now! Come on, envy me!

1 comment:

  1. Simple is the life for me!! I know ladies that entertain always on the go after the children leave. I think they are trying to fill a gap. To be happy to be simple I think is healthy. It means you are ok with who you are and where your life is
