Sunday, August 30, 2015

Old stuff

Its Sunday morning and I am up early. Wow, that's amazing for me, I usually lounge around in my PJ's till 11 a.m. or so. But I am up, dressed, including make-up on, ready to get my gab on and do some picking with one of my best friends, Rhonda. We go to out of the way places to find old stuff to add to our stuff, which technically we don't need any more stuff. But its fun! Who knew I would be enamored by stuff my Mom use to have in her home, 50 years ago. Even if we don't find that "one" special thing, we always have such fun, crazy fun. If people saw me on these outings they may ask, "who is that?" Its a chance to forget everyday worries, a chance to really be me, and what is more special then sharing it with a person who really "gets" you.

Some may ask what is so fun about rummaging through other peoples old stuff. Some even hate the thought, it grosses them out. Not us! I find memories, art, and history. The old adage. "they don't make them like they use to" is very accurate. We live a disposable world now, and what is more savvy than upcycling or reusing what was once a treasured item?

I have tons of "projects" that I say I am going to work on, upcycle a found object. And promises to myself that I would learn how to sew, refinish wood, maybe use a power tool or two. I want to! Problem is there isn't enough time and the day! We still have to do that 9 to 5 thing, buy food, pay the mortgage...Bummer. When will the time come? Hopefully soon. Meanwhile, I will continue the quest of finding new "old" things to add to my pile. After all, tomorrow IS another day!

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